Natural Pain Relief in 10 minutes a day!!!

I have suffered from chronic pain for years and am unable to take drugs because it tears up my stomach in addition to wanting to live without drugs.  I seen something very interesting today on TV and so I looked it up and wanted to share it with you.  It is called The Melt Method. I am thinking about ordering a video and try it out.  Feel free to add your comments below.  Let me know if you tried it or have an interest in it.

The below is a description of what it is taken off of their website.

The MELT Method® (MELT) is a self-treatment technique that helps people get out and stay out of chronic pain in just ten minutes a day. When pain becomes chronic, the body’s natural state of stability and balance declines. When a body isn’t stable, it can’t be efficiently mobile. By learning how to MELT, you can learn to actively partake in decreasing stuck stress daily so it doesn’t accumulate and cause symptoms that sap your vitality and energy. With MELT, you can learn to assess your body’s stability system before your body produces pain signals to alert you something is wrong. MELT was developed by manual therapist Sue Hitzmann as homework for her clients to empower them to actively partake in their healing regimen. This saved her clients time and money and became the inspiration that brought MELT to the masses. This unique method Sue calls Hands-off Bodywork™empowers people to help themselves restore whole-body efficiency and lead healthier, more active lives.

You can watch the video and learn more information at the MELT Method website.

Hi Today I created some homemade lip balm!

The recipe included 1 t of Shea butter, coconut oil and bees wax.  Melt in glass jar in a pan of water over low heat.  Once melted I added 1/4 t beet powder.  This did not seem to be much of a color and will try adding some coco next time.  It was very refreshing on my lips.  I was looking for something more lipsticky and this was more of a gloss and did not last long on my lips.  Do any of you have experience in making natural lipstick?  Any suggestions?

Hi, welcome to my blog!

Today I’m creating my new blog where I want to discuss living a healthy life and connecting to like minded people.  Feel free to join my blog and discuss topics of interest.

My recent endeavor is creating pure and natural make up at home.  Since I don’t know what the ingredients are in commercial make up, I feel unsure about their safety.

So far I’ve been playing around with a few ingredients and collecting some recipes.  So far I have created moisturizer and foundation.  I would like to make some lipstick and blush.

Do you too wonder about the safety of your cosmetics and have you ever tried creating your own?  What have been your experiences?